Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thing 13-14: Tag-alongs

I have mixed feelings about the "things" this week. In general, these two were sort of blah to me.

I can see how is useful for compiling all of your bookmarks in one place. I bet every one of us has been at some time been at a strange computer and wished we could quickly hook into our favorite blog or website. allows you to compile a list of all your bookmarks in one place that you can then access from any computer. That is cool.

So far, one disadvantage that I could see of is that there didn't seem to be any way to "group" your bookmarks. I want to have my adoption bookmarks separate from work bookmarks separate from blogs, etc. I didn't see a way to do this.

As for the tagging aspect of it, so far at least, my attitude is "so what?" To me, the tags would have to be very specific to be of any use (like the suggested tag of "mdlearn2" which is so specific that the number of bookmarks found when doing the search is reasonable). I mean, most of my tags would link to thousands of other bookmarks--too many to be of any use.

I also explored Technorati which was interesting, I suppose. I searched for blogs on specific topics and did come up with some interesting hits, but it didn't seem useful enough to get all excited about. I mean, you can use Google to search for blogs too. I wasn't able to access the video that we were supposed to watch about Technorati so perhaps that would have helped!

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